I was looking around for an easy to use weather API to get simple weather information. I found OpenWeather and the free version allowed me to do all that I wanted.
- 60 API calls/minute
- 1,000,000 API calls/month
- Current Weather
- 3-hour Forecast 5 days
- Weather condition icons in forecast
- Output formats include JSON and XML
- Uptime 95%
All the weather APIs require that you furnish the latitude and longitude for the location you are querying. You can look it up by ZIP code.
{ "zip": "27615", "name": "Raleigh", "lat": 35.8887, "lon": -78.6393, "country": "US" }
Current Weather API
Below is the result for the current weather API. Notice that I use the “imperial” argument to get temperatures in Fahrenheit.
{ "coord": { "lon": -78.6393, "lat": 35.8887 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "base": "stations", "main": { "temp": 72.45, "feels_like": 73.06, "temp_min": 70.92, "temp_max": 75.29, "pressure": 1015, "humidity": 78, "sea_level": 1015, "grnd_level": 1003 }, "visibility": 10000, "wind": { "speed": 6.91, "deg": 20 }, "clouds": { "all": 75 }, "dt": 1724163429, "sys": { "type": 2, "id": 2093480, "country": "US", "sunrise": 1724150259, "sunset": 1724198301 }, "timezone": -14400, "id": 4498303, "name": "West Raleigh", "cod": 200 }
5 Day Weather Forecast
Below are the results of the 5 day weather forecast. It is long and I only include it here for my own reference. Again, I use the “imperial” argument to get temperatures in Fahrenheit.
5 Day Weather Forecast
{ "cod": "200", "message": 0, "cnt": 40, "list": [ { "dt": 1724166000, "main": { "temp": 74.01, "feels_like": 74.59, "temp_min": 74.01, "temp_max": 75.45, "pressure": 1015, "sea_level": 1015, "grnd_level": 1003, "humidity": 74, "temp_kf": -0.8 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 2 }, "wind": { "speed": 7.14, "deg": 29, "gust": 7.14 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-20 15:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724176800, "main": { "temp": 75.85, "feels_like": 76.23, "temp_min": 75.85, "temp_max": 79.52, "pressure": 1015, "sea_level": 1015, "grnd_level": 1002, "humidity": 66, "temp_kf": -2.04 }, "weather": [ { "id": 801, "main": "Clouds", "description": "few clouds", "icon": "02d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 11 }, "wind": { "speed": 6.08, "deg": 23, "gust": 6.91 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-20 18:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724187600, "main": { "temp": 77.81, "feels_like": 77.88, "temp_min": 77.81, "temp_max": 79.7, "pressure": 1014, "sea_level": 1014, "grnd_level": 1001, "humidity": 55, "temp_kf": -1.05 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 51 }, "wind": { "speed": 7.43, "deg": 49, "gust": 8.88 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-20 21:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724198400, "main": { "temp": 71.46, "feels_like": 71.35, "temp_min": 71.46, "temp_max": 71.46, "pressure": 1015, "sea_level": 1015, "grnd_level": 1002, "humidity": 65, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 69 }, "wind": { "speed": 6.55, "deg": 38, "gust": 15.73 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 00:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724209200, "main": { "temp": 69.48, "feels_like": 69.17, "temp_min": 69.48, "temp_max": 69.48, "pressure": 1017, "sea_level": 1017, "grnd_level": 1004, "humidity": 65, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 99 }, "wind": { "speed": 3.91, "deg": 84, "gust": 5.61 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 03:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724220000, "main": { "temp": 63.27, "feels_like": 62.76, "temp_min": 63.27, "temp_max": 63.27, "pressure": 1017, "sea_level": 1017, "grnd_level": 1005, "humidity": 74, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 60 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.54, "deg": 13, "gust": 5.28 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 06:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724230800, "main": { "temp": 60.84, "feels_like": 60.66, "temp_min": 60.84, "temp_max": 60.84, "pressure": 1018, "sea_level": 1018, "grnd_level": 1005, "humidity": 86, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 0 }, "wind": { "speed": 6.38, "deg": 32, "gust": 12.88 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 09:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724241600, "main": { "temp": 61.47, "feels_like": 60.66, "temp_min": 61.47, "temp_max": 61.47, "pressure": 1021, "sea_level": 1021, "grnd_level": 1008, "humidity": 71, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 801, "main": "Clouds", "description": "few clouds", "icon": "02d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 22 }, "wind": { "speed": 9.57, "deg": 43, "gust": 18.37 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 12:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724252400, "main": { "temp": 68.34, "feels_like": 67.41, "temp_min": 68.34, "temp_max": 68.34, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 54, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 97 }, "wind": { "speed": 8.34, "deg": 53, "gust": 10.2 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 15:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724263200, "main": { "temp": 76.23, "feels_like": 75.76, "temp_min": 76.23, "temp_max": 76.23, "pressure": 1021, "sea_level": 1021, "grnd_level": 1008, "humidity": 47, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 83 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.21, "deg": 75, "gust": 3.58 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 18:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724274000, "main": { "temp": 75.47, "feels_like": 75.07, "temp_min": 75.47, "temp_max": 75.47, "pressure": 1020, "sea_level": 1020, "grnd_level": 1007, "humidity": 50, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 99 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.57, "deg": 110, "gust": 4.9 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-21 21:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724284800, "main": { "temp": 70.77, "feels_like": 70.61, "temp_min": 70.77, "temp_max": 70.77, "pressure": 1020, "sea_level": 1020, "grnd_level": 1008, "humidity": 65, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.74, "deg": 119, "gust": 8.79 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 00:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724295600, "main": { "temp": 64.2, "feels_like": 63.84, "temp_min": 64.2, "temp_max": 64.2, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 75, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.94, "deg": 109, "gust": 10.42 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 03:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724306400, "main": { "temp": 61.79, "feels_like": 61.52, "temp_min": 61.79, "temp_max": 61.79, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 82, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 94 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.43, "deg": 120, "gust": 9.28 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 06:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724317200, "main": { "temp": 61.16, "feels_like": 61.3, "temp_min": 61.16, "temp_max": 61.16, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 92, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 91 }, "wind": { "speed": 3.27, "deg": 120, "gust": 4.25 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 09:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724328000, "main": { "temp": 64.42, "feels_like": 64.51, "temp_min": 64.42, "temp_max": 64.42, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1011, "humidity": 84, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 89 }, "wind": { "speed": 2.3, "deg": 88, "gust": 3.56 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 12:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724338800, "main": { "temp": 74.73, "feels_like": 74.62, "temp_min": 74.73, "temp_max": 74.73, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 58, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.94, "deg": 97, "gust": 5.1 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 15:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724349600, "main": { "temp": 79.66, "feels_like": 79.66, "temp_min": 79.66, "temp_max": 79.66, "pressure": 1023, "sea_level": 1023, "grnd_level": 1010, "humidity": 44, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 60 }, "wind": { "speed": 7, "deg": 111, "gust": 5.21 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 18:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724360400, "main": { "temp": 78.15, "feels_like": 77.92, "temp_min": 78.15, "temp_max": 78.15, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 48, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 89 }, "wind": { "speed": 7.47, "deg": 111, "gust": 5.84 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-22 21:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724371200, "main": { "temp": 70.79, "feels_like": 70.43, "temp_min": 70.79, "temp_max": 70.79, "pressure": 1023, "sea_level": 1023, "grnd_level": 1010, "humidity": 61, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 76 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.93, "deg": 128, "gust": 13.42 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 00:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724382000, "main": { "temp": 65.62, "feels_like": 65.08, "temp_min": 65.62, "temp_max": 65.62, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1011, "humidity": 68, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 802, "main": "Clouds", "description": "scattered clouds", "icon": "03n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 25 }, "wind": { "speed": 7.4, "deg": 133, "gust": 20.85 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 03:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724392800, "main": { "temp": 63.03, "feels_like": 62.37, "temp_min": 63.03, "temp_max": 63.03, "pressure": 1025, "sea_level": 1025, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 71, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 62 }, "wind": { "speed": 3.51, "deg": 108, "gust": 5.88 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 06:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724403600, "main": { "temp": 61.23, "feels_like": 60.58, "temp_min": 61.23, "temp_max": 61.23, "pressure": 1025, "sea_level": 1025, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 75, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.68, "deg": 45, "gust": 5.86 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 09:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724414400, "main": { "temp": 63.41, "feels_like": 62.89, "temp_min": 63.41, "temp_max": 63.41, "pressure": 1026, "sea_level": 1026, "grnd_level": 1013, "humidity": 73, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.83, "deg": 49, "gust": 10.29 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 12:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724425200, "main": { "temp": 75.22, "feels_like": 74.79, "temp_min": 75.22, "temp_max": 75.22, "pressure": 1026, "sea_level": 1026, "grnd_level": 1014, "humidity": 50, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 7.07, "deg": 79, "gust": 10.6 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 15:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724436000, "main": { "temp": 79.18, "feels_like": 79.18, "temp_min": 79.18, "temp_max": 79.18, "pressure": 1026, "sea_level": 1026, "grnd_level": 1013, "humidity": 45, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 8.16, "deg": 91, "gust": 8.99 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 18:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724446800, "main": { "temp": 78.35, "feels_like": 78.13, "temp_min": 78.35, "temp_max": 78.35, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 48, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 8.16, "deg": 87, "gust": 9.51 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-23 21:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724457600, "main": { "temp": 70.16, "feels_like": 70.12, "temp_min": 70.16, "temp_max": 70.16, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1011, "humidity": 69, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 100 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.3, "deg": 79, "gust": 9.53 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 00:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724468400, "main": { "temp": 64.74, "feels_like": 64.49, "temp_min": 64.74, "temp_max": 64.74, "pressure": 1025, "sea_level": 1025, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 76, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 804, "main": "Clouds", "description": "overcast clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 88 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.37, "deg": 91, "gust": 11.7 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 03:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724479200, "main": { "temp": 61.74, "feels_like": 61.61, "temp_min": 61.74, "temp_max": 61.74, "pressure": 1025, "sea_level": 1025, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 85, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 803, "main": "Clouds", "description": "broken clouds", "icon": "04n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 61 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.09, "deg": 61, "gust": 6.13 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 06:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724490000, "main": { "temp": 60.35, "feels_like": 60.31, "temp_min": 60.35, "temp_max": 60.35, "pressure": 1025, "sea_level": 1025, "grnd_level": 1012, "humidity": 90, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01n" } ], "clouds": { "all": 5 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.65, "deg": 45, "gust": 6.35 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "n" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 09:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724500800, "main": { "temp": 63.77, "feels_like": 63.61, "temp_min": 63.77, "temp_max": 63.77, "pressure": 1026, "sea_level": 1026, "grnd_level": 1013, "humidity": 80, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 4 }, "wind": { "speed": 4.61, "deg": 31, "gust": 8.1 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 12:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724511600, "main": { "temp": 77.61, "feels_like": 77.14, "temp_min": 77.61, "temp_max": 77.61, "pressure": 1026, "sea_level": 1026, "grnd_level": 1013, "humidity": 44, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 0 }, "wind": { "speed": 5.7, "deg": 47, "gust": 7.29 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 15:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724522400, "main": { "temp": 84.29, "feels_like": 82.58, "temp_min": 84.29, "temp_max": 84.29, "pressure": 1024, "sea_level": 1024, "grnd_level": 1011, "humidity": 33, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 4 }, "wind": { "speed": 6.11, "deg": 69, "gust": 6.58 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 18:00:00" }, { "dt": 1724533200, "main": { "temp": 84.65, "feels_like": 83.17, "temp_min": 84.65, "temp_max": 84.65, "pressure": 1022, "sea_level": 1022, "grnd_level": 1009, "humidity": 35, "temp_kf": 0 }, "weather": [ { "id": 800, "main": "Clear", "description": "clear sky", "icon": "01d" } ], "clouds": { "all": 1 }, "wind": { "speed": 6.89, "deg": 83, "gust": 7.56 }, "visibility": 10000, "pop": 0, "sys": { "pod": "d" }, "dt_txt": "2024-08-24 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