Inno Setup Startup Testing and Logging

Inno Setup allows you to send logging information to a file during install/uninstall operations. You must specify the log option and destination file on the command line.

Example Installation

The InitializeSetup() function is called shortly after the installer/uninstaller starts. It runs before the user has been prompted for a target folder so {app} is undefined here. In fact, it runs before [Setup] runs so none of those values are available either.

However, it is a great place to put in checks to make sure the environment is correct to begin work. Inno functions are written in Pascal. Keep Google handy.

#define MyAppName            "AmazingApp"
#define MyAppDLL             MyAppName + ".dll"
#define MyAppBuildPath       ProjDir + "bin\" + BuildConfiguration + "\" + MyAppDLL
; Use Inno built-in to examine my DLL and get version number.
#define MyAppVersion         GetVersionNumbersString(MyAppBuildPath)

; None of these values in this section are available in InitializeSetup() function.

// Called during Setup's initialization. Return False to abort Setup, True otherwise.
function InitializeSetup: Boolean;
  Log('InitializeSetup called...');
  Log(' * Passed on command line:')
  Log('    BuildConfiguration: ' + ExpandConstant('{#BuildConfiguration}'));
  Log('               ProjDir: ' + ExpandConstant('{#ProjDir}'));
  Log(' * Script defines:')
  Log('             MyAppName: ' + ExpandConstant('{#MyAppName}'));
  Log('          MyAppVersion: ' + ExpandConstant('{#MyAppVersion}'));

  Result := // something that returns true if we should continue the install/uninstall.
  if not Result then
    MsgBox('Setup requires something you are lacking!', mbError, MB_OK);

I run the Inno compile step in a Visual Studio Post-build event. First I add the NuGet package “Tools.InnoSetup”. After the project builds successfully, the Post-build step passes information I need in the script via command line then the installer is created. (All text on a single line.)

"$(SolutionDir)packages\Tools.InnoSetup.6.2.0\tools\iscc.exe" /DBuildConfiguration="$(ConfigurationName)" /DProjDir="$(ProjectDir)" "$(ProjectDir)InstallerSetup\Package.iss"

Once I have the installer built, I can start it on the command line. In this case, I’m also creating a log file in the same folder. You would do this if there were any problems or for your development testing.

> MyApp.Setup.exe /log="autolog.txt"

Below are the log file results. Note that I have modified some the lines.

[18:06:53.515]   *** Setup started
[18:07:06.915]   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC-04:00)
[18:07:06.921]   Setup version: Inno Setup version 6.2.0
[18:07:06.922]   Original Setup EXE: ...
[18:07:06.924]   Setup command line: ...
[18:07:06.933]   Compatibility mode: Yes (DetectorsAppHealth)
[18:07:06.935]   Windows version: 10.0.19044  (NT platform: Yes)
[18:07:06.937]   64-bit Windows: Yes
[18:07:06.939]   Processor architecture: x64
[18:07:06.943]   User privileges: Administrative
[18:07:06.952]   Administrative install mode: Yes
[18:07:06.953]   Install mode root key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
[18:07:06.954]   64-bit install mode: No
[18:07:06.972]   Created temporary directory: ...
[18:07:20.923]   InitializeSetup called...
[18:07:21.409]    * Passed on command line:
[18:07:21.646]       BuildConfiguration: Release
[18:07:21.853]                  ProjDir: C:\dev\Solution\AmazingApp\
[18:07:22.045]    * Script defines:
[18:07:22.230]                MyAppName: AmazingApp
[18:07:22.469]             MyAppVersion:
[18:07:23.852]   Message box (OK):
	Setup requires something you are lacking!
[18:07:27.306]   User chose OK.
[18:07:28.659]   InitializeSetup returned False; aborting.
[18:07:28.663]   Got EAbort exception.
[18:07:28.666]   Deinitializing Setup.
[18:07:28.746]   *** Setup exit code: 1
