This an an example of many of the environmental variables available to the build pipeline. The following YAML step…
- powershell: | gci 'env:' | sort name displayName: 'List environment variables'
…created the following (excerpted) list.
Name Value ---- ----- agent.jobstatus Succeeded AGENT_BUILDDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10 BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\a BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\b BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME (the pipeline name) BUILD_REASON ("Manual", "IndividualCI", etc.) BUILD_REPOSITORY_LOCALPATH C:\agent\_work\10\s BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME (the repository name) BUILD_REPOSITORY_PROVIDER TfsGit BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH refs/heads/master BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME master BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\s BUILD_SOURCEVERSIONMESSAGE Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines BUILD_STAGINGDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\a BUILDCONFIGURATION 43Dbg BUILDPLATFORM Any CPU COMMON_TESTRESULTSDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\TestResults SOLUTION ./CheetahWheelies/ProductX.sln SYSTEM build SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\a SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID 841d2c11-9578-420b-aaaa-9da4fc60d85a SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY C:\agent\_work\10\s SYSTEM_DEFINITIONNAME (the pipeline name) SYSTEM_TASKDISPLAYNAME List environment variables TASK_DISPLAYNAME List environment variables
Variables are treated in different ways depending on the type it is and how it is references in the YAML file. See Azure Pipeline Variables article for more information.